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The Sermon at Benares Story Class 10 Chapter 8 First Flight (2023)

  The Sermon at Benares

"The Sermon at Benares" is a story based on a sermon given by the Buddha at the Deer Park in Benares (present-day Varanasi) to his five former companions who had abandoned him during his quest for enlightenment. In the sermon, the Buddha explains the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path, which form the foundation of Buddhist philosophy and practice.

The story begins with the Buddha's former companions approaching him with a sense of humility and reverence, acknowledging his attainment of enlightenment. The Buddha then delivers his sermon, explaining that the cause of all suffering is desire and attachment and that the way to end suffering is to eliminate desire and attachment. He also explains the concept of the Middle Way, which emphasizes the importance of avoiding extremes and finding balance in all aspects of life.

The Buddha's former companions are moved by the sermon and become his first disciples, embarking on the path of enlightenment themselves. The story ends with the Buddha imparting his teachings to a growing number of followers, spreading the message of compassion and wisdom throughout the world.

Overall, "The Sermon at Benares" is a story that emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, mindfulness, and compassion in our lives. It highlights the transformative power of the Buddha's teachings and the positive impact they have had on countless individuals and societies throughout history.


"The Sermon at Benares" is a story that recounts the Buddha's sermon at the Deer Park in Benares, where he expounded on the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path, which form the foundation of Buddhist philosophy and practice. The story emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, mindfulness, and compassion in our lives, and the transformative power of the Buddha's teachings. The Buddha's former companions become his first disciples and join him on the path to enlightenment, spreading his message of wisdom and compassion to the world.

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